Ni som har följt Bjooti en längre tid och ni som även läser min personliga blogg Splodgy, vet att jag tycker att Doe Deere är en alldeles fantastisk bloggare. Ni vet också att jag inte bara gillar henne, utan även gillar hennes sminkmärke Lime Crime Makeup skarpt.
I augusti bestämde jag mig för att intervju personerna bakom några mindre märken, indie-märken kanske man skulle kunna kalla dem. Jag hade först tänkt att göra det i form av en längre text på Daisy Beauty, men eftersom majoriteten av intervjuerna har gjorts per mail, tycker jag att de lämpar sig bättre för Bjooti. Jag fascineras otroligt mycket av alla härliga sminkkreatörer som dyker upp både utomlands och här hemma i Sverige. Makalösa färger till schyssta priser! Doe Deere är först ut i denna serie.
When and why did you decide to launch your own makeup brand?
In the summer 2008 I decided that colorful makeup with no payoff just wasn’t doing it for me. That’s when I decided to develop my own cosmetic range Lime Crime, under the slogan ”So bright, it’s illegal!”
How did you get started? How did you research the market before diving in to it?
Not really. I knew what I liked and suspected there must be others like me. Call it business intuition!
Do you make your own products from scratch or do you get help with making of them?
I don’t make my lipsticks & eyeshadows by hand, if that’s what you’re asking. That would simply take too long. However, I do take part in every step of manufacturing of my product. From packaging concept to developing colors to testing and so forth.
What has been the best thing about starting Lime Crime?
Getting to work for myself and inspiring others to do the same.
What has been the most difficult thing so far?
Nothing is easy when running a business, BUT – you have fun with it!
From where do you get your inspiration?
From my own world – Candyfuture. It’s bright and colorful and full of crystals! My upcoming lipstick collection is all about Candyfuture. 🙂
What are your plans for Lime Crime in the future? Will you branch out to shops or will you remain online only?
Ah, I like talking about the future. My favorite time period! We will absolutely branch out into shops. It takes a while, but it’s a priority. I understand that our fans want to be able to try our products in person. On the whole, there are a LOT of very exciting projects in the hopper right now – you wait and see!
What are your best tips for someone who wants to have a go at creating their own makeup brand?
Be creative – have fun with it – be YOU!
Thank you Doe for taking the time for this. You’re a doll!